Tian Cong (cong@agh.edu.pl)
ESR-A: Bayesian reasoning analysis of fault occurrences using hybrid data in industrial applications
Institution: AGH University of Science and Technology
Supervisor: Dr. Jerzy Baranowski
Tian received her M.Eng. degree (2016) in Mechatronics from the Australian National University (Australia) and her B.Eng. degree (2014) in Automotive Engineering from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (China).
Work Experience
Tian worked as an operation product intern engineer at Hella Shanghai Electronics Co.,Ltd from Dec. 2013 to Apr. 2014. After finishing master degree, she worked as a tutor at the Australian National University during the first semester of 2017.
Current activities
Tian is employed as an early stage researcher at the AGH University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Dr. Jerzy Baranowski. In addition, she will take part in the research work of ABB Corporate Research Center in Poland and have a short visit to ABB Corporate Research Center in Germany.
Research interests
Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Metric Learning, Bayesian Inference