In 2017, I joined the PRONTO project. Since then, I have been working as a technical and scientific specialist at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, whilst being enrolled as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Jerzy Baranowski and Dr. James Ottewill. In addition, I have two secondment experiences at ABB Poland and ABB Germany, respectively working with Dr. James Ottewill and Dr. Moncef Chioua.
As both the AGH University and the ABB Poland are located in Krakow, Poland, most of my living and work is taking place in this beautiful city. For a Chinese who had little knowledge of this central Europe country before moving to here, it is the generous and open academic and industrial platform provided by PRONTO project attracting me to adventure a two-and-half year living and research work in Poland.
PRONTO project aims to provide a training network for young researchers who would be keen to continue their degree study in PhD, meanwhile, to link their knowledge and skills to industrial applications. The transmittable skills between academia and industry are important for researchers to adapt themselves to go on future work in either of fields; these skills are also attractive for employers to recruit employees who have the training and experience from both fields.
Krakow is the second large city in Poland. Every year, there are a lot of tourists from all over the world flocking into Krakow because of its culture and history. Although its development advantage does not depend heavily on high technology, technology is materially into the people’s daily life to go: for example, the voice assisted widgets for the blind are distributed at the main stops in order to check the transportation information; the transportation tickets can be purchased from the ticket machines from main bus stops and on-board trams and buses by cash and bank cards. These improvements are showing the vigor and vitality of this city.
Ladenburg is another place where I conducted my three-month secondment in Germany. Ladenburg is a small town located 30-mins driving away from industry city, Mannheim. It is so small that it only takes you less than one hour to have a quick look at this town on foot. On the other hand, it is so big that you can find a Chinese restaurant, a Thai Massage shop, an art shop and any other various shops that you can find in a big city. Also, the fresh air, the river and the farmland remind of its difference from other industry cities.
As of the June, 2019, my project has been going two years. I have published one journal paper and three conference papers about how to detect and isolate faults using data analysis. These outcomes are attributed to the pleasant collaborations with my colleagues and constant support from my supervisors from the AGH University of Science and Technology, ABB Poland and ABB Germany. Most importantly, thank the PRONTO project for providing me the opportunity to work with the academic and industrial experts.